Thursday 23 July 2009

Hot goulash

2nd official practice day. Hotter then yesterday - up to 37 degrees. We have a task, 173km but no one is in any mode to fly. We spend the morning trying to work out which bit of airspace we are allowed to fly through and marking them on our flight computer "SeeYou" which has a mind of its own. I am the geek (or "technical expert" as i prefer to call it..) in the team so keeping busy.

Lunch time we had improvised birthday party for Norman, one of the crew and we dunked him in our "pool".

By 2pm everyone has given up and we went to stick unionjacks on our trailer when i spotted a glider thermalling. Decided to take a launch, everyone thinks i'm mad, but hey, i am here to practice not to go swimming. It was actuallt quite good, 5 knot climb to 6000 feet but that was as good as it got then downhill from then. Had 2.5 hours around the control points and did a fast straight in final glide.

This evening went to town and had a goulash and very nice it was too.

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