Saturday 25 July 2009

How to lose a gliding competition..

There are infinite ways to lose a gliding competition but the worse one has to be getting first and second degree burns on your chest two days before the comp start..

This is what happened to one of the club class German pilots who stumbled back as she was holding a large pot of boiling pasta water. She is now back in hospital in Germany and we all wish her well.

The most common way to lose a gliding competition is to take weak climbs.

Other ways to lose a gliding competitions:

Getting Swine flu
Forgetting to switch your flight logger on
Missing the start line
Missing the finish line
Confusing the start line with the finish line
Battery failure and not having second battery
Double battery failure
Entering the wrong turn points to your flight computer
Entering the right turn points to your flight computer but in the wrong order
Flying to slow
Flying too fast
Infringing airspace boundary
Infringing country boundary
Breaking your glider in a bad field landing

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